The Local Governing Body of Stoke by Nayland Church of England Primary School plays an important role in developing the strategic direction of our school. It promotes progress and achievement for all, within a family orientated and broadly Christian ethos. We are a diverse group of people, from a variety of backgrounds who come together as a whole group termly and regularly in sub-committees, to lend skills, enthusiasm and support to further improve our school. The Local Governing Body has delegated authority from the board of directors of the MAT for the running of the school. The MAT's Governance can be viewed by clicking the following link. MAT Governance.
Staff Governor
Parent Governor
Steph Moore
Co-opted Governor
Role of Governors
The Governors are a group of volunteers who have an interest in education and want to contribute their skills and experience to the benefit of our school.
Their role includes:
- Appointing, supporting and being a 'critical friend' of the headteacher
- Setting the strategic direction and policies for the school
- Approving the school budget
- Working with staff to ensure that the best outcomes are sought for the children of the school
- Monitoring school development
As well as 2 full governing body meetings each term, there are various committees that meet to focus on particular aspects of school development.
These include committees for:
- Finance
- Health
- Safety
- Premises
- Personnel
From time to time working parties are convened to work on particular events that arise.
Jane Addis is the Chair of Governors and can be contacted c/o the school.
If you would like to know more about the role of the governors, please speak to the Headteacher or make contact with a governor via the School Office.
- Becoming a Governor
- Responsibilities
- Business Interests
- Attendance