Stoke by Nayland CofE Primary School

'May the God of peace, ...that great Shepherd of sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will' Hebrews 13:20-21

Autumn Term 2023


4th/5th - Non Pupil Days
6th - Back to School
11th - Toddler Group begins
11th - Afterschool clubs begin
14th - Oak Class swimming begins
27th - Maths at the Movies Day
28th- Harvest Festival at the church 


3rd - Oak Class to Framlingham Castle
9th - Open Morning
12th - Saplings Class to Colchester Fire Station
17th - Oak Class MAT Christmas song recording
19th - FOS School Disco
20th - Non Pupil Day
23rd-27th - Half term
30th - Pupils return to school
31st - Deadline for Year 6 Secondary School applications


1st - Year 5 & 6 Residential Trip meeting
6th - School Photos - Individual and family groups
14th - Open Morning
14th-16th - TT Rockstars (Oak)
15th - WOW Writing Day
22nd - School photograph 'free delivery' deadline
22nd & 28th - Parents' Evenings
27th - Flu vaccinations
28th - Oak Class trip to Nayland
30th - Vision Morning


5th - KS1 Nativity (afternoon)
6th - KS1 Nativity (evening)
8th - Christmas Jumper Day
13th - Christmas Lunch
13th - Christmas Craft Afternoon - parents welcome
13th - KS2 Carol Service 6pm
14th - Pantomime Trip
14th - Christmas Raffle draw
17th - Sudbury Choral Society
19th - FOS Movie Night
20th - FOS Breakfast with Santa
20th - Final Awards Collective Worship at church
20th - Last day of term

Spring Term 2024

3rd - Non Pupil Day
4th - Pupils return to school
11th - Saplings to Rowley Wood
24th - Swimming Gala
31st - Saplings to Gainsborough  House

1st - Hub Prayer Day (Faith Council KS2)
2nd - Number Day
6th - Safer Internet Day
7th - Victorian Day (whole school)
13th - Tractors into school
14th - Arts Award at Snape (KS2)
15th - Chinese New Year (whole school)
19th-23rd - Half term
26th - Pupils return to school

7th - World Book Day
8th-10th - Sudbury Festival of Performing Arts
8th-15th - World Science Week
21st - World Poetry Day
26th - Big Sing
27th - Easter Service at church
28th - Last day of term

Summer Term 2024

12th - Non Pupil Day
15th - Pupils return to school
17th - Farm and Country Fair (Yr 3&4)
23rd - St George's Day

9th - Ascension Walk (whole school)
13th-17th - KS2 SATs Week
20th - Class/Whole School Photographs
21st - KS2 Auditions
22nd-24th - Year 5 & 6 Residential
27th-31st - Half term

3rd - Pupils return to school
4th - Duxford Trip Oak Class
12th - iRock Assembly
14th - Sports Morning with Picnic
20th - Break The Rules Day
28th -FOS Summer Fair 3.30-5.30pm

2nd - KS2 Performances at TGS
4th - KS2 Activities Day at Wells Hall
9th - Whole school French Afternoon
15th-19th - TGS Transition Week
17th - FOS end of year disco
19th - Last day of term - Family picnic and awards