We ask that all children read daily at home. Whilst our children are learning to read phnocetically decodeable books we send home a book for reading for pleasure alongside their reading book. This book can be shared with an adult and read to your child. They can change this book frequently. Our phonetic reading books are changed weekly to ensure your child is able to read them fluently and confidently.
As your child becomes a more confident reader please encourage them to also read alone and then talk to you about what they have read. We have a wide range of books in our school library and class libraries but do welcome suggestions.
In Year 5 and 6 your children are encouraged to take on the Saphire Reading Challenge to read 60 set books over the two years.
Children in KS2 will also be given a log in for Read Theory which provides short comprehension tasks for your child to complete at home.
Children throughout the school have access to Rollama to help their Grammar and Punctuation skills develop. We also give every child a writing for pleasure book to create their own writing projects in.
Children throughout the school are given access to Mathletics where they can practice their maths and develop their speed over time. Children from Year 2 upwards are given access to Times tables Rockstars to improve their times tables speed.
Suggested Books
Below is a guide for supporting your child with reading and some suggested books for different age groups and topics.
Recommended books for different age groups and subjects
Recommended books by year groups
Year group expectations
Please click on the links below for information regarding expectations of each year group:
Here is some information regarding how the children are assessed.
Year 6 SATs
Please click on the links below for information relating to SATs in Year 6