Stoke by Nayland CofE Primary School

'May the God of peace, ...that great Shepherd of sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will' Hebrews 13:20-21

Continuous Discrete Subjects

Our new redesigned Curriculum is being added over the next few weeks.  Keep your eyes peeled for exciting developments.
  • Music

    In music we aim to give our children a range of creative experiences that allow them to explore and appreciate music from different cultures, traditions and eras.  Through listening, singing, composing and performing we hope children will enjoy sharing the skills they develop and begin to understand the impact that music can have emotionally and spiritually.

    At our school, music is a key element, both through the curriculum lessons and in the wider opportunities we offer (we were given recognition for this through the Music Mark award). These can include listening to professional musicians, singing in a choir or learning an instrument, performing in school and further afield such as in local events in the village and wider community-for example the cathedral or concert hall.  The 'big ideas' revisited in music are 'Chronology' - How does this music fit into the wider world chronology? 'Technique' - Which skills are required to do this?  How can we refine them? 'Notation' - What does music look like?  How can we record music so that we can repeat what we have done? and 'Composition' - What sound do we want to create?  What picture do we want to evoke?  What story do we want to tell?

    2 year cycle for EYFS/KS1

    4 year cycle for KS2

    EYFS/KS1 Knowledge Progression

    KS2 Knowledge Progression

    Music skills progression

  • PE
  • Computing
  • MFL
  • RE
  • PSHE
  • Forest Schools